/manager/Index ${session.getAttribute("locale")} 5 Spectrum of a passive scalar in stretched grid turbulence at low Reynolds numbers /manager/Repository/uon:17051 θ) is represented by a power-law function of Reynolds number, and it approaches 5/3 faster than that for the velocity spectrum (mu). Results show that the ratio between the velocity and temperature scaling range exponents, (5/3+mu)/mθ, is about 1.98.]]> Wed 11 Apr 2018 15:29:00 AEST ]]> Scaling range of velocity and passive scalar spectra in grid turbulence /manager/Repository/uon:15262 102) indicate that, to obtain a 5/3 scaling range, R λ must exceed 103. The ratio (5/3 + m u )/m θ is approximately 2, in close conformity with the proposal of Danaila and Antonia [“Spectrum of a passive scalar in moderate Reynolds number homogeneous isotropic turbulence,” Phys. Fluids21, 111702 (2009)].]]> Wed 11 Apr 2018 11:48:55 AEST ]]> Decay of passive-scalar fluctuations in slightly stretched grid turbulence /manager/Repository/uon:19671 Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:01:13 AEDT ]]> Invariants for slightly heated decaying grid turbulence /manager/Repository/uon:19416 nu and 〈θ²〉 ~ (χ - χ₀) (χ₀ is the virtual origin of the flow) and with the further assumption that the one-point energy and scalar variance budgets are represented closely by a balance between the rates of change of 〈u²〉 and 〈θ²〉 and the corresponding mean energy dissipation rates, the products 〈u²〉λu-2nu and 〈θ²〉λθ-2nθ must remain constant with respect to χ. Here λu and λθ are the Taylor and Corrsin microscales. This is unambiguously supported by previously available data, as well as new measurements of u and θ made at small Reynolds numbers downstream of three different biplane grids. Implications for invariants based on measured integral length scales of u and θ are also tested after confirming that the dimensionless energy and scalar variance dissipation rate parameters are approximately constant with χ. Since the magnitudes of nu and nθ vary from grid to grid and may also depend on the Reynolds number, the Saffman and Corrsin invariants which correspond to a value of -1.2 for nu and nθ are unlikely to apply in general. The effect of the Reynolds number on nu is discussed in the context of published data for both passive and active grids.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:52:08 AEDT ]]>